Products penis enhancement is a reality, not a trite fiction. But penis growth to just one changes to your diet is not enough. It is important to understand that the food, increase the size of the penis, allow to prepare a favorable environment for the increase of the parameters of the male reproductive authority. So the representatives of the stronger sex to be a dive, in order to solve problems in a complex way, with multiple ways of penis enlargement. But, as practice shows, even diet adjustment allows to achieve significant changes in both the sexual health of men, so repair your power supply is never redundant.
Giant penis, which is conducive to its growth

It's no secret that a healthy lifestyle is impossible to imagine without the proper diet. Functional organs and systems is directly dependent on what food enters our body. Fill in the last of the necessary vitamin-mineral complex, it is possible to get rid of their own mass problems, which attracted the men's adulthood, including erectile dysfunction. But today we pay attention to the products which affect penis growth.
Experts note, that ideally need to lean food, contribute to increase the member, during puberty (12-18 years of age). But this does not mean that men are parents these products nothing make. The impact is certainly, however this should be to introduce additional methods to increase the reproductive body. Thing will change and that exercise and proper nutrition will greatly improve the quality of sexual life. Erection becomes stable and long-term, the skin of the penis – elastic, but thanks to the advanced vereringele penis visually increases the extent.
So, think about products that are conducive to the growth of the member:
Fresh vegetables and fruits. It comes to bananas, cherries, watermelons, pears, apples. Citrus fruit is one of nature aphrodisiacs. Tropical fruit (mango, papaya, and others), which contain large amounts of fiber, have had a positive impact on growth muscle tissues. Tomatoes, avocados, beets, cucumber and carrots are the body toning effect, as well as participating in the processes of blood circulation normalization, including the area of the pelvis. Garlic is necessary for the blood thinning to due to their own, which affects the durability of an erection.
Green is the fount rich of vitamin-mineral complex, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the sexual system of men. Therefore, the diet should be ranked, dill, green onions, celery, parsley, coriander, asparagus.
Pulses are an important source of plant protein, who are engaged in the process of growth. Eat peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils enrich the body's essential trace elements and vitamins. For example, zinc reduces the risk of prostate inflammation.
Nuts allow the saturation of our body, arginine (an amino acid, the incentive for the synthesis of hgh), and protein and positive effect on the process of blood circulation. Prescription of the penis often contain their own combination of nuts and honey. Not less benefits of almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pistachios, pine nuts.
Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds are one more source of amino acids involved in the processes of tissue growth. Consumption strengthens the immune system, contributes positively affected the functions of the systems makers.
Dairy products are a valuable source of protein, without which it is difficult to imagine any construction process in the human body. Diversify your diet of milk, cheese and other high-quality sour-dairy products.
Red meat helps to control the necessary level of concentration in the body testosterone. This product plays one of the most important point of muscle building process. For men it is beneficial to eat meat, rabbit, turkey, duck, chicken, and lamb, beef and pork.
Seafood is difficult to imagine without the polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. The latter play an important role in the processes of normalization of work of the cardiovascular system in parallel to improve mental concentration. The diet should be paid to the gap, but still oysters. These aphrodisiacs is to accelerate the production of male hormone.
Apiculture products have an impact on the growth of members and erection quality. Studies have shown that day enough to eat 1 tablespoon of natural honey, in order to significantly reduce the risk of disease development kuseteed.
Grain, especially buckwheat, the source of the substance that is necessary for building muscle mass. The rich formulation cleanses the blood of cholesterol in the sediment, which has positively affected its circulation during arousal member. And here oat groats have a stimulating effect on the processes of testosterone.
Vegetable oils cold-pressed full of the body mass of the useful components involved in the correct functionality of the whole organism. These rich ingredients will participate in to strengthen your immune system, and construction processes. Significantly improves blood vessel elasticity, which is an important time to increase the length and thickness of the member. Men should be to use olive, sesame, flax, pumpkin, as well as oil-based black cumin.
Chicken-and vutimuna contain vitamin b, which helps to keep the necessary level of sexual energy. The egg yolks have vitamin E, to normalize the blood circulation in the pelvic region.
Spices such as cumin, clove, ginger, activate the enhanced congestion member. These natural aphrodisiacs will improve the persistence of an erection in and of themselves a member of the visual seems to be more.
Water is another important element, which is related to the growth of the tissues. Drinking every day, the daily norm of fluids (approximately 2 liters), it is possible to end to insure the development of the ailments that are caused by the background of the water balance, required.of such salts. It is important to remember that the liquid in our body, which is more than half the weight, each, should be constantly updated.
Which products are not conducive to the growth of the member

If the adjustment diet, you must avoid food that slows down the growth of the size of the phallus. Otherwise, the application of different methodologies does not bring the expected results. For example, the beer increases the synthesis of the female sex hormone, that in a negative way affected quantities of testosterone. Yes and in general, the consumption of alcoholic beverages is only increases the risk of emergence of problems of libido and potency.
But fast food and semi-finished products violate the processes of the circulatory system, which over time weakened erection. Every sort of flavouring and preservatives violate the usual course of things in our body, which becomes the cause of the breach in the functional systems of the organs, including the urinary tract. Excessive salt consumption leads to the body to accumulate fluid. This as a result of violation of processes of the circulatory system, the blood pressure rises.
Products slow growth of a member include:
- alcoholic beverages;
- sweet carbonated water;
- salted, smoked, acute and fried foods;
- marinade;
- confectionery;
- semi-finished products;
- black coffee;
- pastry;
- salt and seasonings with flavors;
- mayonnaise.
Process execution methodology, whose activities are aimed to enhance your penis, a man must give up eating these products. Thanks to this decision, the body as far as possible to cleanse the skin of toxins, improves blood circulation, changes in the work of the reproductive organs.
How to properly eat penis growth
First of all, nutrition should be a fraction. For better absorption of useful substances, men should have about 6 full meals a day. So it is best to eat a little at a time, but more often (every 2-3 hours). It is necessary to emphasis on raw and cooked food, as well as to forget arrived the food dry. The food must be not only balanced, but as far as possible varied. Do not pay to talk in the same food, even if the window behind is season.
The correct adjustment to your diet, you can greatly improve your quality of life, which affects the entire body of work. As a result, reduces risk of erectile dysfunction, rising the permeability of the blood cavernous tel penis, due to which it becomes visually more. And by having all the rocks to get an erection, a totally different way sparkle sexual life.
Leaning products, which contribute to the economic growth and the members, at a young age can affect the process of the growth of the penis body. As regards men, with the process of puberty passed, then the right approach to your diet plays its role in the use of special creams, gels, vacuum pumps, extenders, jelqing, as creating the necessary conditions for the tissue growth of the phallus, that certainly is developing a result.